As a church we want to continue to encourage and equip parents to do the vitally important, yet mostly ordinary task of discipling their kids at home. However when you are looking for resources there are so many and it can be hard to work out which ones might be

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Long Service Leave

Hi Church Family, Some of you will have already heard that this January I passed the decade mark in ministering on staff to the kids and families of our church community. There’s been more highs than lows, and I’ve enjoyed seeing so many young people grow in their love for

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Lord’s Supper This Week

This coming Sunday (February 20) we will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper together as a church family.  It may look a bit different to how we’ve done it in the past.  Here’s a video update on what to expect: Snapshot summary: Kids check in as per usual in the foyer.

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Celebrating Milestones

This week we had the pleasure of helping some of our kids and youth celebrate some big milestone moments in their lives. At the 9am service we celebrated with the grade sixes as they graduate from the primary years of schooling and transition into high school. With lots of potential

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