Update from Paul and Debbie Howells

Our Dear Co-Workers in the Gospel, Sunday afternoon here in Mindanao and it has been a really good day. The Zoom meeting went great this AM and we completed teaching Revelation chapter 14. It has been such an enjoyable study for us and the believers are absolutely loving it being

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Update from Paul and Debbie Howells

Well Good Morning – All of our brothers and sisters because of Jesus’ grace and his payment for our sin, We are into August now and it is another month that the Lord has given us all. I have a few minutes this AM so thought I would give you

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Update from Howells – Youth Camp in Lapoc 2022

Hi Everyone, This is a really one of those MUST SEE videos taken at our recent youth camp. There is a bunch of footage taken from a drone so you can see our compound there in Lapoc which is probably around 10 acres and we covered it with hardwood trees

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Mission Partners – Lapoc Region Update

Our Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus, Attached is the report on the Lapoc region. I just got done reading it and it was a HUGE blessing to me. God’s work that he has allowed us all to have a part in is truly amazing. Anyway please make

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