Wow, we’re half way through the year and actually at the end of the financial year. After a recent review, with members of our congregation, of the way we communicate finances as a church, it was decided that a simple update would be helpful. Whilst the staff and board look at the finances carefully and in great detail, we realise that most people just want a simple snapshot. We’ve heard you and here is that simple snapshot.
The picture below shows our cash flow in a few different ways – how our cash is tracking against our budget, where our cash comes from and where our cash goes.
We hope this helps you to get a clear picture of the finances for the first half of the year. We will be using feedback from the review to also shape the way we present and explain the budget later in the year. As always, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions etc, please feel free to contact our Finance Manager, Janet Sutton – 3398 4333 or