IMPORTANT: Brisbane 3 day lockdown

This morning the QLD government announced a 3 day snap lockdown in order to manage the current cluster of COVID 19.

Easter Services

We are hopeful that if the lockdown concludes on Thursday, that Good Friday and Easter services will go ahead, and we ask that if you’re planning to come along, that you register now. This will make it easier for us to communicate with you if there are any changes or updates. Register here >>

In the meantime, the church office will be closed, and all physical gatherings at the ministry centre suspended. If you need to contact the office for any reason, email us –

Staff are monitoring the announcements from QLD government and our denomination closely, and will take direction from them. Any updates will be posted to our usual channels – Stay in the Loop and the Facebook Community Page.

Please join us in praying for this situation. Pray that, as Phil challenged us yesterday, we can have peace not fear, because of the wonderous work already done through the cross and resurrection. Pray for the doctors and nurses, pathologists, collection workers, state leaders, and those who are affected by this current cluster. May God be at work in and through us.