Y is a conference over the October long weekend for Christians 18-30 years old with the goal of equipping and encouraging young adults in their faith. This year, the topic of Y Conference is unfollowing the world and following Jesus, and it’s all about what it looks like to be in the world but not of it – how to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus and not a disciple of the world. Gary Millar from QTC is the main speaker, and our workshop speakers this year include Darren Dakers, Andrew Dunstan, Robyn Bain, Sam McGeown, Mark Baddeley, Andy Robbins, Richard Gibson and Becky Khan.
1-4 October at Mt Tamborine
There are a range of price options from day trips, camping through to cabins ($75 – $215). Check out the website for more details.
If you are keen register ASAP as the conference is at a tipping point as to whether it has enough people to make it viable this year.