What to expect this Sunday

We are looking forward to gathering together this Sunday!

If you haven’t RSVP’d yet, it’s not too late – you can do it here livingchurch.org.au/rsvp 

Earlier in the week we received the latest QLD Industry Plan for Places of Worship, which had eased or removed some of the more restrictive elements of the original plan. So we are now signed up to this industry plan, and here’s what it means for you.

Here’s a little bit about what to expect on Sunday

1.5m social distancing measures – you will see that we’ve put 1.5m markers in areas where you will be queuing or waiting, and we ask that you are conscious of social distancing while you wait.

Check in – because or track and trace requirements, we’ll be checking everyone in electronically. As you arrive, please head to the main foyer entrance to check in. If there is a line up, please join the queue, following the 1.5m markers.

Plan to arrive early – because of the check in requirement, it may be a short wait to get everyone checked in. Please plan to arrive early to give plenty of time to check you in, find your seat, and have a chat with those around you.

Finding your seat – there will be ushers to show you where to sit. No doubt you’ll be keen to catch up with each other. But in order to minimise the pooling of people in areas like the foyer and under the mezzanine, we ask that you find your seat, and then catch up with those around you.

4m2 per person – You will see the auditorium and the hall have been marked out to allow for 4m2 per person. If you have kids or members of your household you want to sit with, please feel free to move your chairs together, but we ask that if you do this, please place them back at the end of the service.

Bibles and Pens – We won’t be able to provide you with these, so please plan to bring your own bible, and pen if required

Refreshments – After the service, we’ll be serving drinks. We won’t be able to serve food, so if you think you or your children would like something to eat, please plan to bring something with you. Under this plan, we won’t be able to share food at church, but why not think about who you can invite over for a meal at home after the service?

Entry and Exit – Entry to the ministry centre will be through the foyer. Please follow the signs to your nearest Exit.

Kids Church – as per the original plan, we will have activity sheets for kids to use during the service that are designed to help them engage with the service. There will be little packets of pencils available, but you might like to think about bringing your own.

If you need a room for your kids to run around a bit, rooms 5 and 6 will be available. If you will need toys or games for your kids, please bring your own from home.