Understanding Jesus – 2 new songs

This term as we look at the book of Mark, we will be introducing 2 new songs into our worship playlist.

God so Loved

The first song that we will sing this Sunday is called, “God So Loved” by We The Kingdom. This is a song that lays out the simple and amazing truth of the gospel. The lyrics in each verse are a call to the alter of Jesus. To come to him weary, broken, with our failures and addictions, laying them all at Jesus feet knowing that He will welcome and accept us with open arms.

We see this time and time again in the gospels. Jesus, welcoming all types of people into his arms. Outcasts, prideful, lustful, arrogant, self-righteous, sinful people like you and I. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son for those people, knowing that they would turn from their wicked ways and follow the one true Lord and God, the one with power over death.

Build My Life

The second song we’ll be introducing is called, “Build my Life” by Housefires.

This is a song that aims to encourage us to live our lives with Jesus at the centre.

The lyrics in this song are simple and beautiful. It ties in with the gospel of Mark by helping us to focus on Jesus and what we should do in response to his grace poured out for us at the cross. We see the way he leads the disciples, listens to his followers and serves sinners in his life, even before giving his everything at the cross. In the chorus we sing this prayer,

Show me who you are,
Fill me with your heart and,
Lead me in your love to those around me.

This is how we want to be. We don’t live like this 24hrs 7 days a week. We struggle to live this way for an hour per day. But this is the encouragement. This is what we are aiming for. To live and love like Jesus should be our aim in life.

If we are able to spur one another toward this radical living, what will that look like in our families? What will that look like when we hang out with friends? What will that look like while stressed at work? Jesus gives us all we need and he is deserving of our praise, so as you sing these new songs this term, try and think about Jesus sacrifice for us, and how we should respond in love and thankfulness.

If you’re keen to chat about songs we sing, feel free to speak with me on Sunday. If you have song suggestions, please let us know and we can check them out.

Also, if you’re keen to serve in the music team, we would love to have you! Speak to myself, other band members or your growth group leader and we can arrange to catch up and see where would be best for you to serve on our team. We would love to share the load of music ministry amongst our congregation!

Shane Williams – AM Music Team Leader