The future of our Campuses – Consultation and Questions

You may have seen a video a couple of weeks ago where our Springfield and City South Campus pastors talked about the trajectory of their campuses towards becoming church plants.

The next step in City South’s process towards independence is a congregational meeting (August 30) where all three campuses will hold meetings to vote on this future direction; what, in the Presbyterian system, is called “dividing a charge.”

If you’ve got questions about this process, particularly with regards to City South including: why we’re taking this step, or anything about procedures, or details, or even how you might be involved in the planting process — there’s a consultation forum being held on Zoom on Thursday August the 20th at 7:30pm.

If you can’t make that, please feel free to email and we will make sure your question is answered, or reach out directly to the City South Campus Pastor Nathan Campbell at