You are probably aware that restrictions in Queensland lifted further last Friday. This means that capacity for our Sunday services has now doubled:
9 am Service – 280 in the auditorium, 120 kids in kids church
6 pm Service – 400 people all up
Plenty of room for everyone! We will have to wear masks again, but friends can sit next to each other once more. This is good news as we learnt from Carolyn Russell at the Getting Your Mind Around Mental Health night that being physically present with one another is one of the best things we can do for each other and for our mental health. It is also a wonderful way of being the embodied body of Christ together. It would be great to see everyone back this Sunday.
P.S. Thank you to the people who had to be turned away on Sunday Aug 22. You took the news with grace & understanding in these changing times. Thankfully the need to do that is over for now.