Sunday and Community Connect – COVID Restrictions – update 1 July 2021

Good evening Church family, 

The plan is for our Sunday Church services to continue to meet in person with restrictions.  Read on…

Plans are being made to run community connect. Team members and registered families will be sent more details soon about any changes they may need to prepare for.

For the next two Sundays, we are required to socially distance people as they visit our buildings. This means that the number of people (adults, children and babies) are reduced to 170. Therefore, to avoid the risk of being turned away due to restricted seating capacity, you may prefer to join us via Livestream. Here is where you get it… 

If you chose to come in person, here is what you need to know: 

The plan will be remarkably like how we experienced church earlier this year.  

  • Limited to 110 people in the auditorium and 60 in the hall (1 person per 4 square metres).  
    The last 2 weeks have had approx. 260 attend Sunday 9am service and approx. 110 at 6pm Service 
  • Social distancing of 1.5 metres between households 
  • Unless exempt, we need to always wear a face mask. Singers, welcomer, reader and preacher will take off their masks for the period they are leading us. 

What is different now is we are using the QLD Check-in App instead of Eventbrite. Using the QLD Check-in App does not give indication of numbers. There is a risk that we will run out of seats. 

There are still some things the same though: 

  • We turn away people that have visited a listed hot spot  
  • Stay home if you are sick, 
  • Physical distance of 1.5m 
  • And good hand and respiratory hygiene 

QLD Check-in App 

This coming Sunday you will be required to sign in at the door using the QLD Check In App – just like you do at restaurants, cafes, and other venues. We will have the QR Code at the door on Sunday. If someone accompanying you has a smartphone, they can add you  as a guest on their check in. 

If you haven’t got the QLD Check In App, you can download it here: