For nearly 18 months, our selection committee has been working to identify candidates and discuss their suitability for the role of the pastor of Living Church. Thank you to the committee for their continued service to our church so far.
While a lot of the work of recent months has been listening to sermons and discussing suitability, and there has been little to update on, we would like to keep the congregation informed of the progress of the committee.
The Board and Selection Committee have recently begun conversations with 1 candidate, and the board have decided to pursue further informal conversations with this candidate and the selection committee and staff.

At this point, there is nothing formal to report; these conversations are preliminary discussions to investigate the fit of this candidate with our church. If these discussions proceed beyond the preliminary stage, the candidate will be invited to preach at Living Church and to meet with the people of our church.
During this informal stage, we won’t be sharing the candidate’s identity, acknowledging this is a highly sensitive matter for him and his family, and his current ministry.
With the situation around COVID, it is hard to give a timeframe on the progression of these conversations, but we will keep you updated as major developments occur.
Please continue to pray for this process. Pray for wisdom and patience for everyone involved in these initial conversations, and pray that in everything we will be seeking God’s will for our church, and submitting to his timing and plan.