On the 24th November the Committee of Management and Elders (The Board) held their monthly meeting to discuss various issues in the life of our church.
Thanks to Des Soares and Phil Richardson, outgoing Elders
Des Soares and Phil Richardson have been Elders of Living Church, but with City South’s move to independence, will become members of the session of the new City South Charge effective from 1 January 2021. On behalf of the Session and Congregation of Living Church, the continuing Elders of Living Church thank Des and Phil for their ministry with our church.
Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters at City South Campus as they move through this time of change and transition, and pray that God will use them to further his Kingdom.
Thanks to Ben Seligman and Sandra Hinrichsen, outgoing Managers
Ben Seligman has represented the Springfield Campus on the Living Church Committee of Management. He has indicated he will step down from this role in 2021.
Sandra Hinrichsen will also be stepping down after 7 years of service on the Committee of Management.
The Board would like to thank Ben for his service on CoM, and his support of the Springfield campus, and Sandra for her years of faithful service and wisdom.
As a result of Ben stepping down it has been resolved that in 2021, there will be 4 Management seats. At the 29 November Congregational Meeting it was resolved these seats would be filled by Henriette Muller, Divya Judge, Lorraine Eastwell, and Rob Storrs .
Please join the Board in praying for our Springfield Campus as they continue to reach the lost in the greater Springfield area. And pray for our incoming Managers as they serve on our Board.
Fabinrose Board Vacancy
In September, Phil Strong resigned his position on the Fabinrose Board. At the November meeting, it was resolved that Janet Sutton would be nominated to fill the vacancy.
Parenting Seminars for 2021
The Board has endorsed the proposal to hold parenting seminars next year as a families ministry at Living Church. Please be praying for the planning and execution of these seminars, and pray that they will be a helpful and useful way of supporting parents in their discipleship of their children.
Review, Planning, and Consultation
Over the next several months the board will embark on a process of review at Living Church. This will involve responding further to the feedback we received during the SWOT review, and ongoing planning. The Board is currently working on a process to communicate and consult with the congregation, and anticipate this will be ongoing throughout 2021.
Senior Pastor Selection Committee
The Board received an update from the Selection Committee, and would like to report they are in the process of contacting potential candidates.
Sandra Hinrichsen will be stepping down as Board representative on the Selection Committee and the Board has nominated Henriette Muller to step into this role.
Please continue to pray for wisdom and patience for the selection committee.