Moderator General’s Ukrainian Refugee Appeal

The Moderator-General, the Rev Dr Peter Barnes writes:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The Old Testament contains numerous calls from God for Israel to look after widows, orphans, and strangers. At times He singles out strangers and refugees: ‘When a stranger sojourns with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God’ (Lev.19:33-34).

War is grievous anywhere at anytime, and it is grievous at the moment in Ukraine. Many thousands of refugees are fleeing into nearby Hungary where the Presbyterian Church of Australia is blessed to have a colleague who is known to many of us, Rev. Dr Granville Pillar. Over successive Sundays – 6th and 13th March – there will be an opportunity for us to aid local churches to provide practical help to some of those refugees. Please express your love for the stranger in a strange land, even if he or she be far from us.

With warm regards in Christ,
Peter Barnes (2 March 2022)

APWM asks you to do three things:

  1. First, please pray for those affected by these terrible events. Thank you to those who have been praying.
  2. Second, please watch this video from the APWM. It runs for three and half minutes and provides a first-hand perspective.
  3. Third, prayerfully consider donating to the Refugee Appeal (Gifts are not tax deductible).

How to Donate

Direct Deposit
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Australian Presbyterian World Mission
BSB: 032 260
Account Number: 151207
and mark your gift ‘Ukraine Appeal’.
Please email so that a receipt can be sent.

Please send cheques to:
APWM National
1 Clarence St
Burwood NSW 2134

Please note, if more funds are received than needed, these will be deposited into the PresAID Emergency Relief Fund for future relief needs.