Greetings Living Church,
Would you rather drink Bubble Tea or eat Bafang (fried dumplings)? Missionaries make decisions all the time. Some decisions are easier than others. Check out –
More important Q’s include – What’s our role in Global Missions? How could we serve God? Might my church send me to ….. to reach out with the Gospel?
Rather than sharing the Gospel in Taiwan, I’m now based in Brisbane, partnering with Living Church to help raise new up workers for the harvest in all of East Asia.
I’ll be at sharing at the morning and night service AND running a ‘Post Night-Service Session’ (30min) – we’ll have a bit of ‘Q and A’ and a time to interact together as we think about about ‘how’ you could journey with someone who is thinking about cross cultural missions to get to a point where families in unreached places can know and follow Christ Jesus. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday – come say ‘Hi’.
in Him,