Airy, Cheery, Quiet, Bright……..!!!!!
That’s how we feel in our new home and office which we’ve been moving into this month!!! Praise the Lord it is almost finished, and we have big spaces ready for the recording of the Bible videos, for meetings and training and for ministry!!!

We are so thankful for your prayers and support – the Lord has provided everything needed to build this place and it is wonderful.
We’ve been working on this building project for 10 months along with several other building projects (the roof and tank at the Lapoc church and the extension of the Tumpagon and San Miguel churches) and all are either completed or close to completion apart from the San Miguel church which is ongoing.
We’ve also completed the video series on the book of Revelation this year in two languages (the last video of the series in Cebuano was uploaded earlier this week) and on August 15, we continue to the Cebuano video series of He Wants You.
Things have been so hectic that we have not been sending you updates as regularly as we have wanted to but tomorrow we leave for a three day Missionary Conference with our home-grown team of missionaries from our local churches who are doing an amazing work in 6 different regions. There will be 48 of us including children and we are excited about what God has for us during this next three days.
Please shout out a huge PRAISE to our amazing Heavenly Father for the completion of our new home and office!!!!!!!
Please pray for us as we finish the last details of unpacking and organizing the office and the outside work.
Please pray fervently over these next 3 days for the missionaries and their families coming to the conference and for the time we are going to have together sharing about what God is doing in each region and being refreshed in each other’s presence. Hopefully we will ba able to send a short video of this conference.
On a family note, please pray for Jubab and Freya as they continue to prepare for their wedding amidst the busyness of Uni and work and ministry.
We’re also looking forward to celebrating our grandson Clint’s 18th birthday on Aug 12th with Udi and Jen and the four grandkids and will enjoying having more room for them.
Paul and Deb