In last week’s newsletter you would have seen the post about the Ministry Plan. Staff will be visiting Growth Groups over the coming fortnight and we look forward to hearing your feedback. If you didn’t see last week’s newsletter post, here is what it said:
As we’ve been sitting with the ‘why’ of church, the Board and staff have been working on a Ministry Plan, developed to guide our ministry over the next 3 years. The Ministry Plan was developed in consultation with a small amount of ministry leaders and we would love to now take that consultation further and wider to the whole congregation as we partner in gospel work together. Ministry is not just something the staff do – it is something we all partner in – so we look forward to having conversations about this Ministry Plan and hearing your feedback.
Attached is the Ministry Plan and outline of the consultation process, including questions we will be asking. Paper copies of these will also be available at the Next Steps Desk.
Your input and feedback in this process is important, so please have a look and consider the questions attached. A staff member will then be available to visit each Growth Group to discuss your feedback.
If you are not in a Growth Group, there will be a staff member available after church on the 16th and 23rd May or feel free to email any feedback to Thank you for partnering with us. We look forward to advancing this Ministry Plan with you all.