Living Church Prayer – 5 May 2022

  • Pray that God will bring people through our doors to hear the gospel, and that we can be open and welcoming. Pray for our time together this Sunday – that as we gather, we can be encouraging each other to live lives worthy of the calling.
  • Pray for churches in our city and around the world who are struggling with various situations. Pray those affected will be trusting in God and his plan and will. Pray for love, patience, humility, and wisdom as they deal with the hurt and grief.
  • Continue to remember those in our congregation who are struggling with illness. Pray God will bring peace in affliction, and healing. Pray for the comfort of knowing that in Jesus a victory has already been won.

Don’t forget you can stay up to date with prayer needs, and submit you’re own prayer requests with the Living Church App. These points are posted each week so you can pray for them wherever you are.