Can you imagine how much mess is generated by 100+ kids and the leaders who are running after them? The answer is plenty.
Each day at Kids Community Connect it would be helpful to have a one or two people who are able to come along after the kids have gone home and vacuum, take out the rubbish, wipe down the sinks – in a word, cleaning.
Could you give us a hour or so, in the afternoon – when everyone has gone home to tidy up? You could do one day or a few. Just give us the details when you complete this form
Kids Community Connect runs from 5 – 9 July 2021. Primary aged Kids and families from the community join us in a week of fun – games, stories, dressing up and plenty of time sharing Jesus and his great love.
It is also a time when our whole church comes together to share in this ministry. This is a week for everyone to join in.