We are looking for people who would be willing to join the Lord’s Supper Team. It’s a great opportunity to serve our church. It involves arriving about 45 minutes before the start of the service to set up the tables, bread and juice as well as serving during the service and a quick pack up at the end. You only need to do this for the service you attend as we have separate teams for AM and PM. Currently Lord’s Supper happens once a month, and with enough people on the team we would only expect that you would need to help out once or twice a term.
Additionally we are also looking for people who would be willing to pre-cut the bread for the service. This wouldn’t need to happen on the morning of the service but anytime during the week – it’s very flexible!
If you think you would be willing and interested to be a part of the term please email david.lather2@gmail.com. We hope to begin rostering by term starting from Term 2, so please let us know as soon as you can.