The Freedom Hub (TFH) is a not-for-profit organisation with a Christian ethos that exists to end slavery in Australia; help people who have experienced this crime recover; and partner in the fight to end global slavery. The Survivor School provides long-term wrap around support for survivors. The school includes personalised classes to assist survivors in recovering from complex trauma and courses to help them become ready to work.
TFH will be holding an information and dessert evening on Thursday 14th October at the Creek Road Ministry Centre, to inform people about the prevalence of modern slavery in Australia, and raise funds to support survivors. You might like to invite your friends to join you – the more people who know about this, the greater chance we have of fighting it.
Fivers for Survivors – Each October, The Freedom Hub hold “Fivers for Survivors” to raise funds to support the Survivor School. Bring along $5 to go towards helping victims of modern slavery get back on their feet. All funds go to the Survivor School
When: Thursday 14 October
Time: 7:00-8:30pm
Where: Creek Road Ministry Centre
Cost: $5 – there will also be candles, diffusers, and ethically produced teas and coffee available to purchase, with all profits to supporting survivors of slavery.