January Finance Report

The regular monthly finance report, with giving and cash flow graphs, will be published from next month when there is more data to share.

In the meantime, have you thought about your giving for 2021? During 2020, we were incredibly blessed to have a steady year of giving, despite the ups and downs of life presented to us due to covid. However, as is often the case in January, our giving has taken a bit of a dip – we are currently down 6% on budget.

Here are a few steps we would encourage you to take in your journey towards living generous lives:

  1. Sit down and think about your giving. If you have a spouse and/or children, talk to them about it too. Living generously is something for the whole family to be a part of.
  2. Consider the best method of giving for you – cash, direct debit, BPAY, credit card.  We encourage direct debit as this is the easiest for us to account for, track etc. and also doesn’t incur any fees.
  3. Contact the Finance Manager for your unique ‘giving number’ which you can then use in your description/reference. All givers are also given a unique PIN which allows us to analyse the church’s giving, whilst keeping the original data confidential.
  4. If you have already set up your regular giving, check that it’s still active and didn’t automatically stop at the end of the year.
  5. Check out our website for some great tools and resources that can help you think through how you steward money:
  6. Email our Finance Manager, Janet Sutton, with any questions – janetsuttong@livingchurch.org.au