India: APWM COVID Relief Appeal

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
The COVID situation in India may have disappeared from our headlines but COVID has not disappeared from the lives of our brothers and sisters in India. For that reason, APWM has decided to conduct an appeal so that we can provide tangible aid for those who face medical bills, who have lost loved ones and who have lost their jobs and income.

Normally, APWM would be reluctant to ask for donations so soon after the Appeal for Timor Leste and the extremely generous response by so many members of the Presbyterian Church Australia. However, these are not normal circumstances. After communicating with the leadership of our Indian partners we now have a much clearer picture of the need.

We have prepared a one minute video to show in churches.

If members feel that God is leading them to contribute then please use these details:

Direct Deposit
Bank: Westpac
Account Name: Australian Presbyterian World Mission
BSB: 032 260
Account Number: 151207
and mark your gift ‘India COVID’.

Please email so we can send a receipt.

Please make cheques payable to ‘Australian Presbyterian World Mission’ and send to:
APWM National
1 Clarence St
Burwood NSW 2134

(Gifts are not tax-deductible)

Thank you for your partnership.
Australian Presbyterian World Mission