Over the past week we have been monitoring the latest cluster of COVID-19, and been watching for any indication that the wider Carindale community – our neighbourhood – has been affected by an increase in cases.
We’re encouraged by the low number of cases coming out of this cluster to date. But we’re still being told by the Chief Medical Officer that for the next week or so we need to be very cautious. And as always we are still taking our advice from the government and denomination.
So in light of all this, we will proceed with in person Church on Sunday (with livestream option for those that prefer), and the congregational meeting afterwards (with the option to Zoom).
We are confident that our COVID Safe Industry Plan for Places of Worship is sufficient to minimise risks. But, we do ask, particularly in the current climate, those who attend in person remain aware and conscious of the key requirements of the plan:
- Maintain 1.5 meter social distance – We have noticed that over the last few services social distancing has not really been adhered to, so we ask that in order to love everyone, please respect that some people may not be comfortable with you standing too close.
- Carry out hand hygiene – washing or using hand sanitiser
- Respiratory hygiene – covering sneezes or coughs
- If you are sick, please stay home until symptoms clear
- If you have been to any of the QLD Contact Tracing hotspots, at the times indicated, please stay home – for a full list of these spots https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/contact-tracing
- RSVP your attendance for contact tracing purposes – https://livingchurch.org.au/rsvp/
Following advice from the Chief Medical Officer, if you feel more comfortable wearing a mask on Sunday, please feel free to bring your own.