For a few years now the Growth Group Coaches under the leadership of Andrea Pryde have been taking a weekend out to consider the ministry of Growth Groups at Living Church. You might be asking – ‘what is a Growth Group Coach?’ Growth Group coaches exist to support Growth Group leaders in a variety of ways – they help them sort out issues when they occur in the group, they provide pastoral support when needed and they are there to ensure that Growth Group leaders don’t ever feel isolated. They also collectively help assign new people to groups.
This weekend we discussed a number of matters and planned for the future. We reviewed how 2020 went, we discussed the goals of Growth Groups – to provide a safe place where members can grow and be transformed spiritually, we discussed the need and importance of succession planning for new leaders and new groups. We prayed for those who lovingly and servant heartedly lead our groups week by week. We are very thankful to our Lord for the Grow ministry at Living Church.
We were spiritually supported and encouraged during the weekend as David Johnston shared with us from the Bible and reminded us of the basics of what we are about as a church and as a Grow ministry– namely that Jesus came to save the lost and set us free; that we often lose sight of that freedom; that the Gospel is sometimes added to in the form of unhelpful burdens placed on Christians and that the Christian life is a struggle. All this is very pertinent to leaders of Growth Groups as they support their members.
And of course, we simply enjoyed each other’s company and fellowship as we shared meals, games, walks and even some music together.
Tim Hewlett
Growth Group Coach