Each year in our budget, we are blessed to have a line item in the income section called ‘Fabinrose Distributions’. I often get questions about what that is.
Fabinrose is the name of the trust that was established in the early 90s to operate AJ’s Sports Centre at Algester. The primary beneficiaries are listed as 3 churches – Toowoomba West Presbyterian Church, Acacia Ridge Presbyterian Church and Living Church (back when it was Camp Hill Presbyterian Church). Each church has 2 representatives on the board of Fabinrose, acting as Directors. Every 2 months these Directors meet to discuss operational and strategic matters concerning the business. Below is a photo I took with those present at the October meeting. Seated is our chairman Lionel (who drives from Toowoomba for our meetings) and our secretary Mitchell (a member here at Living Church). Standing behind them is the centre manager Kym (who is absolutely fantastic) and our treasurer Michelle (from Acacia Ridge).

Each meeting starts with a short devotional and time of prayer, before Kym takes us through his manager’s report. Kym is a huge asset to the business and the directors are incredibly thankful for his knowledge and insight. We then pray for Kym and he leaves us to have the rest of our meeting, where we strive to make decisions about stewarding God’s money in a way that brings him glory. Under Kym’s management, the business is doing well and managed to survive covid much better than anticipated.
So what are the ‘distributions’ I mentioned earlier? Well, Kym and his team work hard to make the business as successful as possible and a portion of the profits then goes to kingdom work at the 3 churches listed as beneficiaries. Each meeting, among other agenda items, the board make decisions about expenditure on facility maintenance, upgrades, new projects etc whilst doing our best to ensure the churches still receive their distributions. This year the distributions have been $7,000 per church per month.
It is a privilege to serve on this board with other like-minded Christians, who also happen to be very good at what they do. If you are ever in the area, pop in to AJ’s Sports Centre (43 Endiandra St, Algester), ask for Kym and tell him you’re from Living Church and have heard great things about him 🙂
Janet Sutton (Finance Manager)