This Sunday you will notice the auditorium set out differently to the 4m2 configuration we’ve had to date.
With the easing of restrictions this week, we can now have one person per 2m2, or the recommended 1.5m social distance between households.
To make this a bit easier and more flexible for people, we have placed the seats in the auditorium back in rows – with 1.5m between them.
As you take your seats, we’re asking you to leave 1.5m between households – the equivalent of 3 seats.

While we’re excited by this increase in seating capacity, and what it means for more people being able to join us in person on Sundays, we still need to be adhering to the requirements of our COVID Safe Industry Plan:
- RSVP to Sunday for capacity management and contact tracing
- Maintain 1.5 meter social distance
- Carry out hand hygiene – washing or using hand sanitiser
- Respiratory hygiene – covering sneezes or coughs
- If you are sick, please stay home until symptoms clear
- If you have been to any of the QLD Contact Tracing hotspots, at the times indicated, please stay home – for a full list of these spots
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please let us know – or 3398 4333