Church Life workshop and discussion – Register and come along next Wednesday

One of the big questions that we all must face these days is privacy and who has access to our personal information. At the same time, most of us are part of organisations that rely more and more on data about their communities (including volunteers, customers, team members, etc) to make the best decisions that they can. These questions apply to us both as church members and as ministry leaders.

At the next Church Life we are going to be thinking through what collecting more accurate data on all sorts of church gatherings and events might look like for Living Church.

To get you thinking in this space, we’ve linked two articles below. The first introduces a somewhat extreme example of where data tracking is going in some church circles. The other suggests several benefits to church communities of tracking church metrics well.

We’d love for you to read these before Church Life next week, in particular thinking through how you might like to see data collection done at our church. Bring your ideas along to our discussion on Wednesday 13th of July.