Thank you to those that have indicated they can help with this year’s Christmas hamper team. We will have a short meeting straight after the morning service this Sunday 1 November.
If you would like to get involved in this year’s Christmas hamper team, contact the office or call 3398 4333
For many years, Living Church has partnered with chaplaincy at Camp Hill State School to collate and distribute Christmas Hampers to give to families who need a bit of help during the Christmas season.
Each year, we see many generous individuals, families, and businesses contributing food and discretionary items, as well as time and resources, towards this important ministry – and as a result many thankful families are shown what it means to be part of a community that loves and cares for them.
With all that 2020 has held for our wider community, this year we are looking to go a bit further with this ministry.
A project like this doesn’t just happen. So this year we would like to put together a team of people who will help with the logistics and running the ministry.
We are looking for people who can help:
- Contact local businesses for donations – everything from food, to vouchers and movie tickets
- Engage local mercy ministries who may know those who could benefit from this ministry
- Help with fundraising to supplement donations (GoFundMe campaign)
- Engage our congregations to get involved praying for, and donating items to, the ministry
- Buy items and collate the hampers
If you would like to get involved, contact the office or call 3398 4333