People who are involved in evangelism often share that courses like Christianity Explored have much value for Christians. And, it is tempting to respond “Of course they would say that – they are motivated and gifted in that area”.
Well – we thought we would ask one of our own Living Church people what they found, when they, as a Christian went along to Christianity Explored – Belinda Howlett

What prompted you to go along to Christianity Explored in the first place?
My daughter was interested in understanding things a bit more and was always asking me questions!
Also, most of my family are not Christian and I thought it might be good to go along and see what the course was like. I would now be able to confidently recommend the course to them, knowing that it was relaxed and interesting with no pressure to pray or read the bible out loud.
What did you enjoy about Christianity Explored?
Relaxed no pressure evening just once a week. Ability to ask any questions that were on my mind. I also enjoyed meeting some new people. And EJ and Roddy always spoilt us with delicious supper!
What surprised you during the course?
I was able to see things in a different way. I was able to analyse my own faith from a perspective of someone who is a non believer and asking lots of questions.
What would you say to a Christian who asked you “Should I go to Christianity Explored?”
I would say it was definitely worthwhile. It was a relaxed and supportive course. Great environment to ask questions and more deeply understand your own faith and give you tips and ideas when sharing Christianity with non Christian friends and family.
If you’d be interested in finding out more about Christianity Explored – come & have a chat at the Next Steps Desk or check out the website.