September may seem a little early to start talking Christmas, BUT, the awesomeness of Christmas at Living Church is a result of planning and preparation and the faithfulness of many, many people. So, the anticipation starts early.
This year at Living Church we aren’t just having Christmas Carols, but a Carols CARNIVAL. On December 10th there will LOTS of ways for us all to be involved. So, we need to start thinking now about how each of us can serve.
For Carols you could be involved in the Choir, Kids Storytelling Dance, Kids Choir, Dance, Drama (Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Angel Gabriel, Postal workers and of cause a Kids nativity).
For the Carnival – Christmas Orchestra, BBQ, drinks, coffee, jumping castle helper…
This year we are holding Drama Auditions for singing characters Young Mary, Older Mary & Elizabeth. If you would be happy to serve in this way, please see Tish or Catriona or visit the Next Steps Desk. Audition days will be after the September holidays the 8th & 15th October.