Can you help bake for Level Up?

We would love donations of Cupcakes, Muffins, Biscuits, Slices, Cakes, and Cookies …. Or any other yummy treat you love to bake (Nut free please).

Contributions can be delivered to the church freezer (or fridge) at any time or the Sunday before Level Up (Sunday 2nd July). Please clearly label all donations “LEVEL UP”. Baking needs to be labelled with ingredients and the quantity would be helpful as well e.g.. 50 choc chip biscuits.

If possible, please use containers that we can throw out afterwards or if you would like your container returned please clearly label it with your name on it.

If you can do allergy specific baking please let us know. We have a few participants requiring dairy free and/or gluten free, egg free and vegan. No nuts.

You can also drop off fresh baking any morning of level up (3 July – 7 July) from 7:00 am.

Thank you in advance for your baking help and serving God as part of our team in this way.

Any questions don’t hesitate to call/text or email. Alysija Steyn 0466098471