It has been decided that due to heavy rainfall and flooding, services at the Creek Road Campus of Living Church are cancelled for Sunday 27th February 2022.
A shortened version of the service will be on-line. https://livingchurch.org.au/category/bible-talks/
While we wait, please:-
- Pray for:-
- the people affected by flooding and people for whom this time brings sadness and fear,
- that we as a church can help each other and our community as we all deal with the rain
- If there are kids or young people in your home, the Family Discipleship Guide is a great resource as you worship together https://livingchurch.org.au/families-online/ (and it if everyone is over 18, it’s a great resource)
- Keep an eye out on our social media platforms for details about how we, as a church family, might be able to help the people across the road from the Ministry Centre in coming days, as the waters go down and the clean-up begins
- Check-in with fellow Living Church people who may not have heard this news and share these details
This isn’t the first time rain and floods have changed our plans. While it’s unsettling and a bit tricky, it is an opportunity to live out our faith – safe and secure in the loving care of our heavenly Father.
If anyone has any needs, concerns, or questions – please text or call me 0409 721 010
In Him
Andrea Pryde