A Process of Discernment – The decision to support inviting James Snare to be the Pastor of Living Church

As we come to one of the most important decisions in the process of finding a new Pastor for our church, it’s important that each Member of Living Church approach this decision with wisdom and discernment.

Earlier in the year, the Board undertook a 5 step process of discernment when thinking through whether to invite James to preach for a call. The process is outlined below.

Step 1 – Prayerfully and wisely make a list of reasons to say “Yes”
Step 2 – Pray for discernment, journaling reflections
Step 3 – Prayerfully and wisely make a list of reasons to say “No”
Step 4 – Pray for wisdom and discernment, and journals reflections
Step 5 – Makes decision

While the board were able to spend a week on each of these steps, with the Congregational Meeting in just a few weeks, we suggest a few days for each of these steps. The important thing is to allow plenty of space for prayer, reflection, and listening to what God wants to say.

After listening to the 2 conversations to date, and the sermon James will preach on Sunday 12th September, follow this 5 step process to help you think through your decision.

Conversation 1 – 19 August 2021

Conversation 2 – 2 September 2021

If you have further questions that you’d like to ask James, please forward them to hello@livingchurch.org.au and we will ask them during a third conversation.