A call to reflection and meditation across the Church

From the Clerk of Assembly – Stuart Hoadley

At the recent PCQ Special Assemblies held in December 2020 and March 2021 it was the desire of the Assembly that the Church be led in a time of reflection and meditation. We encourage you, as a congregation and as individuals, to spend time confessing sin before God and being nurtured in your assurance of forgiveness in Christ.

To help us as a denomination to turn our eyes to Jesus, the Commission of Assembly recently appointed a small group of three people to facilitate a shared time of reflection and meditation.

  • Rev Peter Evans is the Minister at Stanthorpe, and is the contact person for the group.
  • Rev Nathan Shannon is the Minister at Gladstone.
  • Dr Carolyn Russell is a GP and Christian Counsellor in Brisbane.

More information will be coming out in the next weeks about their plans to help us consider how the Lord is seeking to grow us as individuals, congregations, and as a denomination.

It was planned that this shared time of reflection and meditation would commence prior to the denominational review. I apologise that this has not happened before the review began last week but I look forward to this taking place in the near future. As we move together into another challenging year, please keep making a concerted effort to read carefully and think deeply on the word of God. Let his word equip us to live for his honour and share the transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Keep on meeting together and encouraging one another to live godly lives; lives that demonstrate a wholehearted love for our King and genuine care for our neighbours.

Stuart Hoadley 
Clerk of Assembly
Presbyterian Church of Queensland