On 22 September the Committee of Management and Elders of Living Church met for their monthly meeting.
Springfield Campus to secure a new meeting location
Just before lockdown, Springfield Campus moved into the YMCA at Springfield Lakes, the smaller venue meeting their budget and needs better than the auditorium at USQ. However given the restrictions placed on capacity under our COVID Safe Industry Plan (4m2 per person), the size of the YMCA venue has meant Springfield Campus has not recommenced meeting there in person.
The Board agreed to proceed with a plan to secure the function room at the Spring Lake Hotel in Springfield Lakes, which means subject to a few requirements being met to ensure COVID Safety Plans are in place, the Springfield Campus will recommence meeting in person from Sunday 4th October, at the new venue.
Please pray for our Springfield Campus as they prepare for another move of venue.
Three-monthly review of Phil Strong’s Moderatorial Duties
At the Living Church Board meeting in May, it was agreed that a majority of Phil Strong’s pastoral capacity with Living Church would be released in order for him to focus on his PCQ Moderatorial Duties during this time of transition for PCQ. The Commission of Assembly agreed to reimburse Living Church for the cost of Phil’s time. This arrangement was to be reviewed on a 3 monthly basis.
The denomination have resolved to continue Phil’s term as PCQ Moderator until the 2021 Assembly, and to continue the arrangement to reimburse Living Church for his time.
The Board reviewed this arrangement, and agreed to continue the current arrangements. As there is no meeting in December, this will be reviewed again at the January 2021 meeting.
Please continue to pray for our denominational body, and Phil and the leadership.
Senior Pastor Selection Committee
The Board received an update from the Selection Committee, and would like to report they are in the process of reviewing potential candidates.
Please continue to pray for wisdom for the selection committee, and patience as we undertake this process.