Our Dear Co-workers in the Gospel,
In recent updates Deb and I have been talking a lot about our new missionary work in the Baungon region. The work is going really well and so far we have sent 2 of our home grown missionary families to work in that region, we have built them homes to live in and they are doing great. This movie talks about this work. Once again, make a cuppa and spend a bit of time watching it. It is a really really good watch and the Lord is being glorified by this work. Lots of people have been saved and outreach continues and it gives a bit of an insight into how missions are done in our areas.
These links are both the same clip. Try the Vimeo one first ?
Vimeo Video Link https://vimeo.com/673092710
YouTube https://youtu.be/KBJYVuAFWVw
Also in March or April we are praying about building a church building for this fast growing work. We are figuring that it is going to cost about $20,000 and will seat about 150 people. If you or your church would like a part in this project, let us know and we will tell you how you can forward funds.
Much Love in Christ, Paul and Debbie