(See Rule 7.3)
The Presbytery of Mowbray, having resolved to proceed to the induction of Mr James Snare, has directed an Edict to be published accordingly; in pursuance whereof notice is hereby given that if any person has any objection to offer against the life or doctrine of the said Mr James Snare they may lodge the same in writing with the Clerk of said Presbytery, before 5pm on Tuesday 2 November 2021 [i.e., the date of the November Mowbray Presbytery meeting]; with certification that, if no relevant objection be lodged and substantiated, the Presbytery will proceed to the induction of said Mr James Snare according to the laws of the Church, and admit him to the pastoral charge of this Congregation.
Attested by me this twentieth day of October 2021.
Phil Strong
Clerk of Mowbray Presbytery