EASTER SERVICES!!! On in Person!

Praise the Lord that the lockdown lifting today has meant our services for Easter can go ahead in person.

In following the guidelines given by the QLD Government, there are some requirements to adhere to for those attending our services this weekend.

  • Everyone attending must be registered in Eventbrite. This is for capacity management and contact tracing purposes. Please make sure if you’re registering for friends and family coming along that each person is listed separately. – Register here >>
  • Masks are required to be worn at all indoor venues in QLD for the next 14 days. We ask that you wear a mask while in our ministry centre (except for children under 12, or if have a medical exemption).
  • Remain seated. Please do not move around our auditorium once seated, but sit back and relax while worshipping God this weekend, and take the opportunity to talk to those seated around you.
  • Social distancing is still required – please be conscious to maintain the 1.5m social distance required by our COVID Industry Safe Plan. Our auditorium is arranged so this is 2 seats between households while seated.
  • If you are sick, or have visited one of the current COVID Contact Tracing Sites at the relevant times, please plan to join us online instead. You can check the latest list of sites here >>

As usual, our in person services will be supported with Livestream of the 9am service (you can watch the recording anytime after that). You can access this via https://livingchurch.org.au/living-church-online/

Please Pray

We are in a very fortunate position that we can meet in person this weekend. Praise God for his hand on the COVID situation here in Brisbane.

Please join in praying that Easter will be a time of remembrance, celebration, and thanksgiving for the victory Jesus has won for us in his death and resurrection. Pray that those joining us – in person and online – can meet, and come to know Jesus more deeply, this weekend.