Thank you to the friendly faces that welcome us at the door

A few Sundays ago, the Welcoming/Check-In Team met to pray and plan for another term of ministry.  This diverse group of people bring together many skills and abilities that help as we greet people at our front door and as they move into church, all while staying COVID-safe. 

New ideas about streamlining processes, shared stories of things that have worked and some that have failed and plenty of laughs were all part of the meeting.  Foremost in everyone’s mind is that we want our church to welcome people from the moment they arrive on our front door.  We were also able to reflect on how wonderful it is to see people from across our church – chatting with and welcoming newcomers each week.  Thank you. 

While it will be a very good day when we no-longer need to register and check-in – that seems to be some way off, so in the meantime, it would be great if:- 

  • As many people as possible register at home.  The easiest way to do that is on a computer – it just seems to be a little less complicated than on a phone or tablet. 
  • You don’t have access to a computer, phone or tablet – you can always call the Office (Monday – Friday) and we can make a booking for you; 
  • There are people you know who are struggling to register – offer to do it for them. 

If you have any questions – please pass your ideas on via the Next Steps Desk.